

I know from experience that when I think about and write down the things I’m grateful for rather than what is irritating me, my mood changes instantly for the better. However, in these unprecedented times is this practice still effective? The answer is a resounding yes! Now more than ever; you need to practice gratitude. It has been scientifically proven that not only does practicing gratitude serve as an instant mood changer, it also helps to change the way we think over time. A study conducted by the Journal of Happiness suggested that practicing gratitude through journalling leads to people feeling happier, more connected and living more meaningful lives. (Just for the record, this is the stuff therapists long for their patients to acquire). In other words, practicing gratitude changes our brain….for the better! Now, who wouldn’t want that….especially now??


  1. Listen to music

  2. Get deep into your hobby

  3. Go for a walk

  4. Talk to a friend who is a good listener

  5. Make a great meal for someone you love and for yourself too!

  6. Try something new

  7. Look at pictures and places you love

  8. Listen to a comedian

  9. Read an inspiring quote

  10. Try laughter yoga

  11. Breathe deeply

  12. Surround yourself with “happy” colours

  13. Smile

  14. Laugh at your mistakes

  15. Play a ukulele

  16. Smell a tree

  17. Meditate

  18. Light a scented candle

  19. Know you are not your thoughts

  20. Dress up in crazy clothes

  21. Eat a chocolate in three bites, savouring each bite

  22. Travel to your special space in your mind

  23. Sing

  24. Wear bright, happy colours

  25. Wash your dishes by hand

  26. Tune into an on-line workout

  27. Silence your mind

  28. Prune negative relationships

  29. Feed a chipmunk

  30. Write down three things you’re grateful for

  31. State positive affirmations

  32. Admire yourself

  33. Give unconditionally

  34. Cuddle your dog or cat